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Developmental Disorders and Interventions
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Developmental Disorders and Interventions
von: Joni Holmes
Elsevier Book Series, 2010
ISBN: 9780080885445
286 Seiten, Download: 2019 KB
Format: EPUB, PDF
geeignet für: geeignet für alle DRM-fähigen eReader Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Apple iPod touch, iPhone und Android Smartphones Online-Lesen PC, MAC, Laptop

Typ: A (einfacher Zugriff)


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Volume 39 of the Advances in Child Development and Behavior series is concerned with Developmental Disorders and Interventions. This volume provides an overview of contemporary research into cognitive, neurodevelopmental and genetic disorders of learning. The social, emotional and cognitive functioning of children with William's syndrome, Down syndrome, Fragile X and autism, reading difficulties, mathematical difficulties and working memory problems are discussed by some of the leading researchers in the field. Within each chapter, the authors consider current interventions and methods for remediating difficulties associated with each disorder, which will be of particular interest to clinical and educational practitioners. - Goes in depth to address contemporary research into neurodevelopmental and genetic disorders of learning - A necessary resource for both psychology researchers and students - The authors are either leaders in their chosen fields or have worked in some of the leading research teams in the world - This volume covers a broad range of developmental disorders of learning, from genetic disorders such as Down syndrome to cognitive problems such as poor working memory function. The focus on interventions within each chapter will be of particular interest both to academics and clinical and educational practitioners

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