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Adolescence - Development During a Global Era
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Adolescence - Development During a Global Era
von: Dena Phillips Swanson, Malik C. Edwards, Margaret Beale Spencer
Elsevier Textbooks, 2010
ISBN: 9780080922249
569 Seiten, Download: 2985 KB
Format: EPUB, PDF
geeignet für: geeignet für alle DRM-fähigen eReader Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Apple iPod touch, iPhone und Android Smartphones Online-Lesen PC, MAC, Laptop

Typ: A (einfacher Zugriff)


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This edited textbook will be appropriate for use in advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses and will serve as a comprehensive and timely introduction to the field of adolescent development, providing students with a strong foundation for understanding the biological, cognitive and psychosocial transitions occurring during adolescence. While certain normative biological and cognitive processes are relevant for all youth, development varies dramatically based on a youth's position in society. The volume will focus on contextual factors such as culture, racial identity, socioeconomic position and sociopolitical and historical events, highlighting the impact such factors have on the physiological and psychological processes and treating them as key elements in understanding development during this life stage. The authors will cover the major theoretical positions (both historical and contemporary) about adolescence as well as the relevant research and application. Additionally, modern phenomena - the ever-increasing influence of pop culture (i.e. Hip Hop), mass media and technology (i.e., the internet, gaming) and the evolution of family, education and the church - will be explored in depth. Each chapter will be written by a known expert in the field.
* More extensive analysis of cultural, political and socioeconomic factors impacting development than competing texts
* Research-to-Practice section covers evidence-based research on practice implementation
*The only advanced text with ancillary support and pedagogy--instructor website with test bank and image collection, plus summary box and study questions in each chapter

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Belletristik / Romane
Medizin / Gesundheit
Philosophie / Religion
Psychologie / Pädagogik
Reise / Hobbys
Sexualität / Erotik
Technik / Wissen

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